Halloween Room Inspiration
When you say Halloween, the first thing that pops in my mind is Autumn leaves and pumpkins. They are obviously the main factors of Halloween room decoration, but adding a few different pieces of decor can also spice up your room for the season. Because I live in Australia, it's obviously not Autumn and I'm sure that that is the case for surrounding countries as well. It saddens me that I can't join in all the Autumnal preparation for Halloween but nonetheless I try to add room decor that fits in with both the Spring and Autumn.
One of my favourite things about Halloween is the combination of colours that appear in all the room decor. I love adding orange Spring flowers as they immediately brighten up the whole room. Candles and lanterns bring warmth and relaxation, that really makes me feel all cosy when snuggling on the bed. Changing placemats to black or orange bring an extra Halloween vibe to meals and leave plain old kitchen tables, spiced up with colour. The combination of these things really boosts the Halloween spirit and gives me an excuse for splurging in room decor items.